Sunday, November 29, 2009

Welcome to the Absurd Research Product Testing and Reviews Division!

For starters, whoever came up with the idea that Shareholder Value was more important than manufacturing a quality product, you are SO FIRED. You have ushered the world into a new era of CRAP and I hope you have to spend the rest of your life frustrated by trying to put that crap to use.

Since I don't have the budget to buy every major model of the products in question, I am going to focus this tract on some important manufacturing flaws found in many products that as a manufacturer, you should avoid doing and as a consumer, you should avoid buying.


DECEMBER is National Grounding Month. I know most strings of Christmas lights are not grounded, but the extension cords and power-strips that you plug them into should be grounded. Proper grounding can prevent housefires, electrocution, and appliance failure! Don't break off that ground plug. Call your landlord and insist on grounded outlets in every room.